Go Programming Language - GoLang

Go Language is an open source program used to develop efficient, reliable, simple, but effective software.

Course Summary

Go or Go Lang is developed by Google and is considered to be a popular open source program. This course has been designed for those individuals having programming experience like using languages such as Java, Python or C. It also covers Go’s fundamental elements. Few topics include writing code, formats, protocols and data types which incorporate JSON & RFCs. The course provides you with complete knowledge as to how Go’s interface type systems and concurrency model is to be used to the fullest extent. Through this course, you control language basic structures and basic syntax.

It covers fundamentals basics as well as advanced features of Go lang. although, it is a tough programming language, you can master it through completing assignments, quizzes and working on multiple projects. It is similar to other languages, where you develop a code and come up with own programs. With its concurrency model, you can develop huge parallel systems. If you possess knowledge about Ruby or JavaScript, then you can grasp purpose of types. You also are taught to use packages to organize codes, use Go runtime to develop & compile projects. The faculties will also provide you with better insight of this language based critical design decisions including when basic features need to be used.

This course is meant for those eager to know its fundamental features and stay ahead of competition. Google had launched and supports this popularly used programming language. Other courses tend to teach you of-statements and for-loops only. Go Lang is considered to be the best one which allows you to explore fully its power. It is also viewed as Python of statistical kind of language. Learning approach for this program is to be similar to the ones followed for other programming languages. This language favors software engineering than programming language research. Moreover, it focuses on simplicity, readability, performance, concurrency and conciseness.

The primary objective of this course is to help you in mastering many topics of Quantitative Aptitude and get you prepared for various competitive exams. This course improves learners efficiency in using mathematical problem solving techniques and standard formulas. There are quizzes after each section so the learners can test their knowledge after watching the respective video lecture.  Our course on Aptitude Test helps the learners to improve their numerical problem-solving skills. Besides improving their numerical skills the lessons and the model questions that we provide enable the learners to improve their critical thinking, logical reasoning and verbal as well as psychometric skills. Those who practice our model tests will be able to clear the Quantitative Aptitude Test of the various competitive exams as well as campus recruitment tests with speed and perfection. We provide the solution to each problem in simplified steps so that the learners can understand them easily.

Course Curriculum